In 2014 the Spokane Chamber Music Association launched a new support group, The Q. The mission of The Q is to “serve the visionary group for donors who further the artistic reach of the Spokane String Quartet and make sure this intimate, sparkling experience of music is available to a wider audience.” The next event for Q members is tentatively scheduled for the week before our season-opening concert in October.
Here’s how SCMA Board President Jennifer Ogden described the program at the Feast for the Senses:
“You have been invited to be here tonight because of your past support of the quartet and because of your enthusiasm for chamber music, which we all know is a uniquely intimate genre of music because of the small ensemble of instruments used, and the fact that historically the venue in which they played was a home – or a lovely chamber. The music written for this type of venue really sparkles because of how personal it is, especially when played by musicians of this caliber. We are extraordinarily fortunate to have musicians of this quality able to bring chamber music to our homes and our city.
“Many of you were present at a home concert last spring in which we thanked our major donors for their generous support of the quartet. Major donors are often instrumental in making up the difference in budgets of small ensembles (or even large symphony orchestras for that matter) as ticket sales never fully meet for the expense of putting on a concert. We want to keep our ticket prices down so that the experience of chamber music is accessible to as much of the community as possible.
“The popularity of that event made us decide to launch a club for our major donors, which the quartet is calling the “Q Club” or The Q for short.
“The Q will offer its members a minimum of two special events per year just for Q club members, combining fine food and wonderful chamber music in an intimate setting (which sometimes may be in a historic home, or in lovely venues like the Library of the Spokane Club), but you will have access to our star musicians in a way attending a concert at the Bing or the Fox does not offer.
“You will sit by side with them as these musicians play, be able to mingle with them over fine food and wine, and when a guest artists contract allows, have the opportunity to personally meet and mingle with those individuals as they play or discuss their love of music and their artistry.
“Our major donors will receive acknowledgement in our programs, and membership in this group will start when the donor gives a minimum of $250 per person annually, or $500 a couple, per year.
“We anticipate the member events will occur in the fall and spring. The fall event will kick off the concert season, and the spring event will offer our quartet the chance to hint at the upcoming season, or express a wish list for what they would like to perform. When special music has a steep royalty attached, or the quartet wants to bring in a special guest artist, it is The Q to whom the quartet will come with this wish list.
“For example: The SSQ used to travel to Walla Walla and farther to perform; the quartet would like to begin once again to bring chamber music to the Inland Northwest. There has been interest expressed from Sandpoint, Bonners Ferry, Missoula and Wallace/Kellogg area.
“The quartet would like to have a wider impact on the youth in our community, through educational concerts, master classes, recordings, and there is the hope that we could someday have a chamber music camp – discussions are already underway with St. George’s School and the MAC as possible locations and collaborative partners.
“We welcome you to join, and look forward to seeing you at our future events.”
Click here to download an enrollment form: Q Club full size